This is a countryball platformer game! follow polandball's journey to achieve his dream and going into space! Go through stages and level, beat difficult bosses and gather space ship parts!

This game is still on Beta testing and is not finished yet! expect some bugs!
If you found any bug please contact me on discord! (OriontBall)


This project is part of my youtube channel "OriontBall"! be sure to check it out!



Why is poland's flag upside down?

Polandball's flag is intentionally drawn upside down (with white on the bottom and red on top) as a running joke in the Countryballs series. This originated from a mistake on a German forum in 2009, where someone accidentally flipped Poland’s flag, and the community embraced it as a meme instead of correcting it. Over time, it became a humorous way to represent Poland's historical misfortunes and struggles. Additionally, the upside-down flag helps distinguish Polandball from other countryballs with similar flag colors, such as Indonesia and Monaco. While the joke is widely recognized in the meme community, it is not meant to be offensive

Are my progress saved?

yes your progress are saved locally, we save both the amount of level you unlocked and the high score you get in each stages!

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